Tutorials: Business Card Designer Pro
Add ready-made shapes
You can insert many shapes to your business card design, such as
Rectangle, Round Rectangle, Circle/Ellipse,
Diamond, Triangle, arrows, callout, sun, star, explosion etc.
To insert a shape follow the same steps
as for Text. 1. Select the appropriate tool from the shape-bar or
from menu . 2. Click on the
design area where you want to insert the object, or click on the area and drag
to create it and then release your mouse button. 3. Double click to go to it
properties page and change the pattern, color, size,
tilt angle etc.
See illustrated samples of shapes that can be added to your business card.
Partial Transparency/Opacity
This is an advanced feature of the software. When you place different shapes or images on
your design, you notice that the top element hides the elements below it. But with partial
transparency you can make your top object partially transparent, so the element
below it can be seen through. You can make your design elements or your logo or any graphics
partially transparent or opaque between level 0 – 255. Go to the properties area (in the right
side) of any element and use the slider to adjust transparency. See illustrated picture.
0=Fully Opaque, 255=Fully Transparent